2016 Directory Available to view FREE Online or Order!
(uses flipbook software - try going full screen for best viewing)
Order Your Copy Today on
Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
FIX here to Order Now on Amazon
$5.50 plus shipping in the US
Also be aware that both of these versions sold online are slightly
different from the free ones handed out at Breyerfest in paper type and quality
2015 Directory ALSO still Available:
NOTE! Orders may say "Temporarily Out of Stock" As Processing
takes a few weeks. The Hobby Directory does not process your order, "Ingram
Spark" and Amazon process these and all aspects of your transaction.
Please direct all questions to Amazon support please!
Also be aware that this "Ingram Spark" version is
slightly different from the free ones handed out at Breyerfest
-> the interior pages are high quality but matte finish,
not glossy finish. You can order a glossy finish copy from
Blurb below that is nearly identical to the free handouts
however Blurb's cost is almost $16 more with shipping.
Out the 2015 Hobby Directory Online Now!! View the FREE Blurb
(click on "Preview" & don't forget to try
it out "Fullscreen"!)
Or Order the $16
More Expensive All Glossy
Blurb Version Here
I do NOT recommend
ordering this Blurb version! -> Total cost with
shipping almost $27 (!) with zero profit markup, just cost
(they charge over $16 shipping!)
versions - a free pdf link can be provided to you - it's
a REALLY HUGE file though! Too big for me to host or to email
but a dropbox link can be mailed. It's almost too big for a
CD too (high quality images). Contact
Want to be in 2016?
I may be sporadic
in answering emails until March & April as this is not my day
job! :) I just take a few weeks off from sculpting (and shipping
etc etc), thus I really like to not let it interrupt my day job
until I take this time off to put on my publisher hat. I promise
I won't leave you hanging though and questions about ads are especially
important to resolve early! Those can start any time really, just
please have some patience and allow days, even up to weeks for me
to answer your questions prior to Feb 2016. IMPORTANTLY though ->
Payments won't be due until that April deadline.
so very much to all those who helped out in distribution and of
course especially to all those who provided the really fabulous
ads that make it so exciting! Even the printing house was enlightened
as to how amazing model horses have gotten since they collected!
(Yes some of the printers staff had Breyers when they were kids!).
Growing the hobby is what it's all about - thank you guys for helping
to make this possible!!!
of it like Model Horse Hobby's Very Own version of the Phone Book's
Yellow Pages -> It's the model horse hobby business pages with
the ads in glossy FULL COLOR!

A Model
Horse Directory to be printed in magazine quality gloss paper in
full color and handed out at Breyerfest 2016! After Breyerfest it
will also be available online year round or for you to order at
cost in print at any time. Something hobbyists can hold in their
hands and peruse to for years to come!
Check out the Demo
of the Directory & How the Ordering Will Work Here with
some example ads & listings!!! For suggestions or questions
please contact editor@modelhorsedirectory.com
Call Out Now to:
- Artisans
of All Kinds!
- Tack
Makers! Propmakers!
- Painters
to Preppers! Dealers! & More!
Don't Want to Miss Out Being Included in This! Sign up for Directory
News Below So You Don't Forget!
a Model Horse Biz? The "Hobby Directory" is for you!
watch the
youtube commercial!)
Copies Will Be Distributed FREE At Breyerfest 2016!
examples online of ad sizes, sample ads and articles,
here to view mock up as PDF click here:
type and sizes of the listings in the actual 2016 directory
may differ in order to meet size constraints.
MHD will be printed out and handed out free at Breyerfest (for limited
quantities) and also available to view or even order at cost later
on Blurb (cost will vary drastically due to size of issue being
unknown until all ads are in! It could be from $15 to $75 for example!).
We also plan to offer it to
view online at any time through either websites such as Blurb or
possibly another flipbook format with
previews such as the one below (click image to see enlarged)

Who is this "editor"?
name is Morgen Kilbourn and eventually I hope to be part of a bigger
team in bringing this directory to the hobby! Right now it's just
me facing this big scary task but my goal and business model is
to expand to over time if the directory can pay for its costs and
not be extremely time consuming. For this reason (gaining partners
at any time, and for my sanity to keep all dealings regarding this
as a separate entity) please direct all contact information regarding
the directory to: editor@modelhorsedirectory.com
will also be made to entirely different paypal accounts and snail
mail addresses also. Information on this coming August 1st.
For more thoughts and off the cuff commentary, please read the editor's
note in the demo directory (links to the left).